Saturday, December 9, 2017
Monday News
This invitation will be in your child's backpack on Monday. Please return the bottom portion.
Can you relate to this comic?
Come to the celebration on December 19th and find out.
Comic retrieved from (
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Monday News
Please check your child's backpack. Report cards will be sent home on Monday. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
We will be leading all school morning meeting on Friday.
Tuesday, December 19th will be a Publishing Party in our classroom at 12:30, followed by the Holiday Sing-along at 1:30.
The BPMS students reached 5,000 acknowledgments for positive behavior. We had a whole school celebration with donuts on a string. Enjoy the pictures!
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Monday News
Dear Families,
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. The Scholastic book fair is this week in the library.
We will be starting a reading and writing unit on Historical Fiction for the month of December.
The home microhabitats for the fall are due on Friday, December 1st. I do not need a picture of the microhabitat, but students should record their observations on the sheet. Book projects are also due on Friday.
Important Dates:
11/27-12/1 - Book Fair
11/29 - I will be at a writing training for the day. Ms. Stone will be the guest teacher.
12/4 - Play practice and try-outs. Report cards go home.
12/11 - Play practice
12/13 - Late Start
12/18 - Play practice
12/19 - Publishing Party and Holiday Sing-a-long
Enjoy your week,
Mrs. Carter
Pictures from Fire Safety Day
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Monday News
Dear Families,
Monday is fire safety day.
Students have started book clubs in reading and they are enjoying reading with peers.
Friday is the last day of the first trimester already. It's hard to believe we're already a third of the way through the school year. Report cards will go home on December 4th.
The book fair will be the week of November 27th. There will be more information coming home soon.
Enjoy your week,
Mrs. Carter
Pictures from our field trip to Audubon. We learned all about trees.
Measuring the circumference of trees.
Aging trees by the tree rings.
Identifying leaves by:
Flowering versus non-flowering trees
Coniferous versus deciduous trees
Opposite versus alternate branches
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Monday News
Dear Families,
There will be a couple changes to the homework starting this week. Your child will bring home a calendar with the changes. The students will continue to have 20 minutes of reading each night required. However, this may also include reading assigned from school. This reading can be used for book projects. Students will also bring home their cursive books on Mondays and return the books on Fridays. They will need to do 2 pages in their cursive books each week. We will also have weekly sight word lists assigned. Sight word assessments will be on Fridays. This homework is meant to be work that students can do independently at home. You can support your child by providing a quiet place to work.
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween! I'm sure many of you are without power. What a storm! I hope everyone is safe and warm! We will be rescheduling fire safety day and kinderbuddies. I will let you know when a date is set.
The first book project is due Friday. The students will need to do a retell and a drawing of the setting from the book they read.
I have decided that we will only have students for our first publishing party for our narrative unit. In December, we will have another publishing party on the same day as the holiday singalong. At this publishing party, we will share our narrative and informational writing with families.
Happy Halloween,
Mrs. Carter
Pictures from our field trip to Shelburne Museum.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Monday News
P.I.E. is organizing Trunk-or-Treating in the BPMS parking lot on Saturday, October 28th from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. Decorate your car or truck’s trunk with a theme, or just come out in costume! Be sure to take a stroll through the Spooky Walk as well!